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sher of the day - 08/22/2023

instead of sharing a couplet from an Urdu poem as usual, from today i will share a couplet every day from a favorite song of mine until it is finished. the song is تو ہر لمحہ (every moment with you), a famous Bollywood song by Arijit Singh. unlike some South Asianists who would like to separate Bollywood arts from more traditional forms of arts and categorize the former as "lower" and the latter as "higher", i think so long as a movie, a song, a poem, or a piece of lyric is beautiful, it is worth sharing and being appreciated by both specialists and lay people.

واقف تو ہوئے، تیرے دل کی بات سے

چھپایا جسے، تو نے کائنات سے

I became familiar with the words of your heart

(The words) that you have hidden from the universe

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