Learning South Asian languages is hard. The scripts, dialects, idioms, etc. are just mind-blowing. Adding to that, compared to Mandarin, Korean, Japanese, and Arabic, let alone European languages, the resources for learning South Asian languages are just so inadequate both in terms of quality and quantity. But, there is still stuff good out there. Therefore, here are some of my favorite websites that I go to almost every day.
For online dictionaries, check the online dictionaries compiled by the University of Chicago, which cover almost every single South Asian language. https://dsal.uchicago.edu/dictionaries/
Rekhta is certainly the best for learning Urdu and Hindi, which contains a dictionary for both languages and a huge online library that has digitalized books and poems in these languages. https://www.rekhtadictionary.com/?lang=ur
Prof. Frances Pritchett has complied tons of valuable materials and sources for Urdu and Hindi learning. http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00fwp/